Sunday 22 October 2017

Papercraft First Prototype

Out of the possible concepts I created to move forward, I chose the abstraction of a fabric knit. This was my decision because I believe it is both the most visually stimulating and the concept which utilizes the properties of paper the best. My prototype for this pattern consists of 13 repetitions of the individual pyramid form. You can see below that 6 of them make up the red top mesh and 7 make up the black bottom mesh.

 Because I needed 13 templates in total I printed off 2 sheets which each had 7 on them, leaving me 1 extra in case I messed up. This extra turned out to be much more useful than I anticipated.
Here is how my small first prototype turned out.

So back to that extra piece I was talking about. After I had completed the original idea for the prototype. I was messing around with the extra when Liam pointed out that an entire third mesh, above the red but below the black, could be worked into the design. This is definitely something that will be included into my final production of the project.

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