Monday 16 October 2017

Papercraft Concepts

Below are 7 concepts-some including multiple forms, some being one form repeated-that were inspired by the idea of papercraft, and more specifically the works of Matthew Shlian.
A simplification of the Brandenburg Gate, significant to me because of the Christmas & New Year's I spent in Berlin in 2015.

Propeller and hub. Up until recently aviation was the only thing that had an extremely firm grasp on my attention

A little over a year ago I had a big change to my life and personality. Part of my own personal growth was shown through my own fashion sense. This texture is an abstraction of the knit of fabric.

Brick texturing. My high school/middle school had a very prominent brick wall on the exterior of the building, making it one of the first things I think of from my schooling.

Mountains combined with trail boot tread texture. A majority of my greatest experiences with nature have come from hikes and trips to mountains/vallys.

Fish scales. Because my grandfather lives across the country, I rarely see him. When I was younger the opportunities I did get to see him were spent on lakes or rivers fishing; something I only ever did with him

The grip on my drafting pencil. I don't think there is an item I use daily that I appreciate more. The last time I held it got me just as much as the first time I did; although the gnarling has worn down some.

The biggest challenge this project posed to me were the ideas of unfolding. Many of my un-executed concepts revolved around things that simply could not be unfolded or would cause the object to have too many tiny pieces. As well unfolding objects in a way where they could be folded easily was a more difficult than I imagined.

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