Monday 4 December 2017

Hollow Form Chalice Completed

Along the road of getting this project printed, there were quite a few hiccups. First off is that the support structure for the handle was being printed solid, second being the fact that the print itself took over 6 hours to complete, and finally the MendelMax isn't capable of printing 8 inch tall objects as we originally thought. The final problem listed was solved by breaking the Chalice into 2 sections, the base/handle and the bowl. once these 2 parts finished printing they were welded together with acetone. Because of the acetone welding, the cup is actually water tight! The final cup idea obviously incorporates the twisted mesh from my concept, but Mark's concept in integrated in a slightly more subtle way. Both of us thought that his chosen concept slightly resembled a water tower, so the idea of it holding water is carried over into the final Chalice. In the end I am very pleased with how our chalice turned out. Enjoy!

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