It's complete! After hours of tedious work the project came together. I never made a final parts count but it is easily in in the 110-150 range, which is something that made this project such a personal grind.

While overall I am happy with the final product, there are absolutely things I would/will change about it. I think the most obvious issue with it is the mounting. The paper frame I made for the texture doesn't live up to my own standards in that it's sloppy, and not very well thought trough. This especially sticks out as an annoyance because if I gave myself just a little bit more time, it would have been fine, but by not taking the extra couple of minutes to thoughtfully plan it out, the frame ended up the way it did. Another future revision would be the addition of a way to hold down the texture in the frame. In its current state, the tessellation is simply sitting inside the frame with nothing holding it in other than friction. The lack of a hard connection is due to the fact that the tessellation only ever intersects the base of the frame perpendicularly.
Something I find to be just about, if not equally as interesting as the texture itself, are the shadows caused by close lighting.
In summary, this project proved to be an excellent learning experience. Not only about projects like this, but also how I work through them. Long and repetitive tasks, like the one I set myself, cause me to work in a way I'm not entirely happy with and produce works which reflect that. If I were to do something similar in the future I would definitely need to work in many short intervals to keep myself from getting super fatigued and mentally exhausted.
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